Things finished up rather nicely in New York. We didnt see Sigur Ros, but we did see The Do at the Knitting Factory. We saw Moonrise Kingdom at a cinema that served quesos to the table. And we ate at Fette Sau, THE barbeque place to eat, where you order meat by the pound and you devour it using your fingers. Hot sauce, barbeque sauce and potato salad all schmeared on your face. Delish! A lot of the photos I have for the past two weeks are of us filling our faces with all sorts of foods - some yum, some strange and some just part and parcel with the US of A.
After saying farwell to Jen and Jen, we flew to Wisconsin to stay with the Breaches. It was a bad day for travelling - stuck in an airport after being (in)volutarily rerouted via Cleveland (blerg). But after settling in, we've really relaxed and unwound here in Oconomowoc. We've been treated to a week of summer vacation in the Midwest - lakes, snoozing, hiking, eating stuff, the State Fair, watching the Olympics and eating corn and burgers. Highlights have been seeing fireflies and a chipmunk, and watching a meteor shower last night while roasting s'mores. Josh and Leah have kept us more then entertained with endless games of Monopoly Deal and bike rides into town to drink lemonade and eat cinamon scrolls.
Here are some of the pictorial highlights, pictures speak a thousand words for me today.
We drove out to Devil's lake and hiked up to the top for great views. |
Here is the 'Devil's Doorway'. Some really interesting rock formations up top. |
The crew ready to attack the Wisonsin State Fair. First stop: MILK. |
I really don't need to add a caption. But I will say, it wasn't as tasty as advertised.
Actually, it was just kinda gross. |
Just some native wildlife hanging out. |
The famous Wisconsin Cream Puff. It's a big profiterole on steroids. If you come to the state fair it's mandatory to get one. I was completely grossed out by it, but everyone else shovelled them into their faces, dripping cream and pastry all on the floor. Ick. |
The cream puff was half the size of Leah's head. |
Pig Racing! |
This is a picture of what we've mostly been doing - lying about. Toby and I took a night off to celebrate his birthday at Fallor Park - overlooking the lake and downtown Oconomowoc.
Last night we hosted an 'Aussie BBQ' for friends including pavlova, lamb chops and sausage rolls which was just delightful. Tonight we're off on a boat around Lac La Belle, and tomorrow we leave! Off to Minnesota. It's gonna be fun!