Thursday, 3 May 2012


We leave tomorrow!  It's exciting.  We are doing last minute house cleans and sorting out all the stuff four our housie housesitter to move in to.  Op shop runs and vaccumming take up most of the day.

Saturdays forecast:
Melbourne:  17 and showers
Darwin: 32 and sunny!  Hooray!

In bad news, I think I have a cold.  I am going to try K's 'sweat it out' method which was recently successfully implemented by D!  Tonight, going to be in the sweats.  No cold will stop ME from all the fun in the world!

While we have a 23kg limit on our bags, we have only packed about 12kgs each, which I think is doing pretty well.  While I have tried to be frugal in the packing (sorry hair straightener you dont make the cut), I have been wheeling around my bag saying to Toby "I've packed too much!  I know I've packed too much!"  To be fair to myself, the bag is really only at half it's true capacity and there is still plenty of room for lots of fun bought items along the way.  However, I opened up the bag and got rid of ONE lousy tshirt which did not really redistribute much weight.  I know nobody needs as many clothes as I have packed, but I really seem to have a use for EACH one - "No, I NEED to walk around the Louvre in this dress!  It's the perfect Louvre dress!"  (?! tf ?!)


  1. I bought a new 'perfect Louvre dress' while in Paris ;)

    1. Now I'm left wondering, is it Tank who posted this comment or his lovely wife?
